Like Minds is closing on 30 June

After 27 years of promoting anti-stigma and inclusive messaging around mental health, the Like Minds, Like Mine website is being retired. We have been humbled by the changes we've seen in Aotearoa since we began the programme in 1997, and are heartened to see the value this website has brought to a substantial number of visitors over the years.

Unfortunately, stigma and discrimination still exist towards our tangata whaiora (mental health lived experience whānau) and affects communities unequally. As some of you will know, our programme rebranded to 'Nōku te Ao' in 2021 to respond to this inequality. Under this ingoa (name) and new way of working, we continue to build the social movement to end stigma and discrimination towards tangata whaiora. The time has come to merge these two websites into one that serves our shared kaupapa (purpose) and continued journey.

The website will close on June 30. Some content will be moved over to the Nōku te Ao site over the next few months, but we recommend you take screenshots or download content that you still refer to. Please let us know via email (, or via our social media accounts, if you have pātai (questions) or requests.

As a final note, we want to thank all those who shared their personal mental health journeys with us. The success of our programme is wholly attributed to the bravery of those who stepped forward to challenge discrimination using their story.


How can you make a difference?

We can end mental illness discrimination together. We've got ideas, practical tips and information about how you can make a difference in your community or workplace to create a healthier, more inclusive New Zealand. 

Find out what you can do ›

What can communities do?

Discrimination is one of the biggest barriers to recovery from an experience of mental illness. Whether you are part of a sports club, school, marae, or your own book club, you can support someone's recovery and inclusion.

Find out more ›

Media guidelines: Portrayal of people living with mental illness and mental health issues in Aotearoa

Journalists hold great power and can influence public opinion about people with mental illness in positive and negative ways. These guidelines will equip journalists with the confidence and understanding to report on mental illness and mental health issues safely, accurately and respectfully. 

Find out more ›

Good Reads


University of Canterbury graduate, Hazel Guyan, is an inspiring young woman. Read more

Why talk about mental health at work?

Mental health problems can affect anyone at any time, so it’s critical that empl... Read more